Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Be Inspired!

Mark Your Calendars: PBS will air the inspirational new documentary by Ken Burns, The National Parks: America’s Best Idea beginning Sunday, September 27th. This 12-hour film will air two hours for six consecutive evenings, so set your DVRs!

Over the past few months, I’ve had the opportunity to represent the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) at several events in which segments of the film have been previewed, and have been awestruck by the cinematography and deeply moved by the stories of the people that helped create them and have fought for their protection. Ken Burns has spoken so eloquently about this project, and it has obviously been a labor of love for him and his team. When asked why he spent 10 years working on this project, Burns’ replied:

"Every American is a co-owner of the most spectacular
seafront property, the most most beautiful mountain ranges, the highest free-falling waterfall on the continent, the greatest collection of
geysers on this planet, and the grandest canyon on Earth. And, as co-owners we ought to, every once in a while, go visit this property of ours, make sure it's been taken care of, and then put it in our will for posterity so it's around for our children's children."
This documentary could not come at a more critical time. There are many issues impacting our national parks, including climate change. For example, a recent Sierra Club newsletter cites that we’ve already seen:

  • The extraordinary glaciers of Glacier National Park rapidly melting.
  • Grizzly bears in Yellowstone National Park face disappearing food sources as climate change wipes out the white bark pine nut.
  • Increased drought and hotter temperatures in desert parks such as Canyonlands National Park, where the devastation of native vegetation is making it harder for bighorn sheep to find nourishing grasses and hide from predators.
Critical legislation is needed to protect our national parks and their trees, plants, and wildlife from the impact of climate. The U.S. Senate will begin debate on the climate change bill very soon. Please consider becoming a champion for our national treasures by contacting your state’s senators and urging them to pass this legislation.

Please be sure to see this beautiful and important documentary, and send me your thoughts about it!

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