Thursday, May 7, 2009

Tweet Tweet

Spring is here! The other day I discovered a nest with one egg tucked in the container of flowers hanging on our front door. A new egg has appeared each day since, and there are now four. I haven't gotten a good look at mom, but believe she is either a warbler or a nuthatch. I was initially concerned because our house is up for sale and there have been a lot of people coming through the front door the last couple of weeks, but mom bird apparently doesn't mind. I read that most songbirds will lay an egg a day and sit on their eggs for 12-14 days. The baby birds are able to leave the nest about 14 days later and can fly a few days after that. I'll keep everyone posted on how things progress. This is a perfect example of the wonders of nature that occur right outside our front door (literally, in this case).